Monday, 23 January 2012

What assumptions about the audience are made?
·         The assumption that this documentary is trying to convey is that the E-media platform has made it more common for younger people to use the internet to take part in websex.

How might the audience react to the text?
·         This may cause a lot of controversy as the documentary mainly portrays a negative image of younger people, however it can also inform and educate the audience of what percentage of young adults are doing today.
·         It also conveys a sense of lack of self-worth as in today's younger generation as this institution uses shocking statistics to depict a negative image.

How does the text appeal to the audience?
·         The demographics appeal to a wider audiences as the main interviewer asks a certain age group and different ethnic backgrounds.

How do you read and evaluate the text?
·         Uses a wide range of relationships e.g. same sex

who is the target audience?

·         This targets mainly younger generations from 14-26 year olds because the interviewer is young herself and only interviews younger generations herself. The social economic class would be C2, D and E this is because we saw from the documentary that she had interviewed mostly younger people. Also the secondary target audience could be parents to enable them t understand their children and what they might be up to. The ethnicity that this would target is Black and White people this is because these ethnicities were used within the documentary.

To which genre/s does the text belong?
·         The genre of this documentary is reflexive as the audiences are able to see the interviewer herself.

Which generic conventions is the text using?
·         Real footage
what are the audiences’ generic expectations are they fulfilled or subverted?

·         It doesn't resolve the situation.

Who is being represented?
·         Young adults and older teenagers

What is being represented?
·         Young adults being represented as in a negative way involving in mature activities.

Why is the subject being represented in this way?
·         Because it wants the audience to realize what today’s generations are up to.

Are there any stereotypes?
·         Stereotypical of how only younger audiences do these activities and not older generations.
Is the representation fair and accurate?

·         No, this is because they should targets variety of different ages and ethnicity as in this documentary there is includes black and white ethnic backgrounds.

What are the major ideologies, values and assumptions behind the text?
·         Patriarchal as the guy said how many girls he's with and how he's treated them.
How are these ideas and values put across in the text?

·         Through interviews of teenagers that have gone through similar experiences.

How did the institution affect the text?

·         As its BBC channel it attracts different audiences, especially at prime time (7-9pm) this is targets specific audiences.
What is the institutional source of the text?

How has the text been distributed?

Who owns and controls the institution?
·         BBC
Is the text a public service or commercial institution?
·         Public service

What is being done by the soundtrack/ voiceover/ dialogue?
·         Dialogue with the interviewer and interviewee lets us know more about the subject more.
Real life footage
latest music
What sound and visual techniques are used to convey meaning?

What are the denotative meanings and connotations?

What is the significance of the mise-en-scene?
·         The clothes they wear can be indentified with today's society as teenagers wear these types of clothes.

What are the dominant images and iconography?
·          They convey the applications- underneath webcam. Connation is looking in-depth to find out the reason why young adults betray themselves in this way.

·         The denotations are that this is what happens in today’s society. Voiceover- tells us what she's doing next which follow her narrative.
Latest modern music links with today’s generation as they are more into modern music. Public service It's about how younger audiences are taking part in indecent activities by using the web. Voiceover
Close ups, long shots, mid-shot and point of view shot
Younger audience music
cuts and fades used statistics
real life footage
evidence- to back up point
interview with younger people
history of why they came to do this
interview both genders
shows you applications Self identification- the main interviewer is young herself and only includes younger audiences in her documentary.

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