My target grade is: A
My incitive grade is: C
Exam Based:
1. I need to use more theories and names along with dates. Also, I need to revise more media terminology and any new media terminology we have learnt in class. I will do this by using A-level media book and class notes.
1. I need to use more theories and names along with dates. Also, I need to revise more media terminology and any new media terminology we have learnt in class. I will do this by using A-level media book and class notes.
Coursework based
2. Finesh my two prints one for vogue and one for empire magazine, along with my trailer.
2. Finesh my two prints one for vogue and one for empire magazine, along with my trailer.
I will do this by staying till 5 oclock in school.
4) I generally want to improve on my media terminology as I want to rememeber key words that I have come across from my exam. Also, I would like to learn upto date example for my case study- Coldplay.
4) I generally want to improve on my media terminology as I want to rememeber key words that I have come across from my exam. Also, I would like to learn upto date example for my case study- Coldplay.
I will do this by using E-media platform and finding out up-to-date information.
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